It then gradually attenuates the sound to bring it down below the dB level, and does it in such a way that the listener will not be aware the attenuation is occurring. The "Threshold" setting works by detecting when the sound recording volume exceeds a defined decibel level. It also has a use for recording audio from one medium to another, where the two mediums are not capable of handling the same range of volume levels (e.g., A CD can handle a much greater range than a cassette tape). An example of where it is used is in TV broadcasting, where it ensures that the volume levels of ads are perceived as being louder than the television program itself, without any change in the actual broadcast volume. The compressor sound effect limits the volume levels of a sound recording so that it stays within a certain loudness range. You should convert your file to stereo before applying the chorus effect. Note: Chorus is a very useful way to make a mono source sound stereo. The chorus sound effect is used to make one voice or instrument sound like 3 voices or instruments by playing the original with variably-delayed and slightly pitch-changed copies of the original. The volume is entered as a percentage: 100 being no change, 50 being -6dB softer or 200 being +6dB louder. To 'amplify' is to increase the loudness or volume. There are no editable parameter for this effect. This effect emulates the sound produced by AM Radio. You can also load effect chains into a track by clicking Load Effect Chain.

Once you setup the effect chain, you can save that effect chain to a file by clicking on Save Effect Chain. If you untick the checkbox next to an effect you can disable the effect but still keep it in your chain. Select an effect and click Remove Effect to remove the effect from the chain. If you select an existing effect, you can see and edit all the effect’s properties. Click Add Effect to add a new effect, the new added effect will be highlighted which means it is selected and the checkbox before the effect indicates that it is enabled. MixPad will present you with a window showing the list of effects currently applied to the selected track. To create or edit an effect, simply click the Fx button in the track control panel.

A live effect chain means that any effect you apply will be applied during playback, which eliminates the need to wait for your audio to render with the effect. Effects - Effects MixPad allows you to build a live effect chain on each track.