Speak to each of them and complete their challenges, which include completing a hole by only landing on the Fairway & Green, Bunkers & Green, Rough & Green, and Deep Rough & Green. Although Ubisoft’s Sports Party game includes a range of sports other than golf, it’s still one of the best golf games on Switch right now. Head east of the main area to find the Lurker Valley driving range where four locals are debating the best type of ground. Just aim a max power shot at him to finish this callenge.Unlock the Pro Shop The Lurker Valley pro shop is easy to locate (a little northeast of the area entrance), but is unfortuantly closed. Sidebar Games is excited to announce Golf Story for Nintendo Switch. Land the large balls in the circles 10 times to complete this challenge.After going back to the man, he will challenge Player to hit him in the face with a ball as hard as he can. Shop for more Nintendo Switch eShop & Downloads available online at Walmart.ca. Walk up to them and press A to interact and a shot screen will appear with clearly marked red circles in the water. Buy Golf Story - Nintendo Switch Digital Code from Walmart Canada. Alone the shoreline of both the main Lurker Valley area and the Turtle Lake to the west, there are larger golf balls. English Required Firmware: 9.0.1 CFW: 9.0. Comments ) I wanted Yooka-Laylee on Switch (physical) but not. Atmosphere Tools Report Broken/Dead Link/Requests Game Confirmation link done Nintendo Switch XCI. Hed much rather just have a night in with Mario Kart and a pizza, and we cant say we blame him. Feeding Fish After completing the race challenge, the same man will task the Player with feeding the nearby fish. Free Download Golf Story Switch NSP/XCI + Update - HOME NINTENDO.